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Social advertising on plastic bags

Polyethylene packages have long become a part of our society's everyday life. Blagodarya ikh kharakteristikam, takiye kul'ki mozhno ispol'zovat' dlya upakovki prakticheski vsego - ot produktov do musora. This leads to the fact that billions of polyethylene products are produced in the world, and a packet of polyethylene can be found practically in every home.

"ko v kachestve upakovochnogo materiala, no i kak chast" svoyey imidzhevoy i reklamnoy kompanii. Sovremennyye tekhnologii pozvolyayut apply sufficiently complex drawings on polyethylene, thanks to which in predprinimateley yes' vozmozhnost' razmeshchat' on packages logotypes of your company and other advertising information. Such a method is quite economical - the cost of one package is not great, and a few hundred people from the potential whole audience can see it on nem informatsiyu. Pri etom splatnymi razprostranitelyami advertising dobrovol'no stanovyatsya sami kliyenty, peremeshchayushchiyesya s balls on the streets and yezdyashchiye in public transport.

Yeshche odnim perspectivnym napravleniye tut mozhet stat' social advertising, razmeshchennaya na polyetilenovykh nositelyakh. Otlichiye sotsial'noy reklamy ot bychnoy zaklyuchayetsya v tom chto it napravlena ne na prodvizheniya opredelennykh brendov, tovarov ili uslug, a na osveshcheniye opredelennykh problem mezhdunarodnogo, natsional'nogo, ili mestnogo rovnya. This information can also be effectively conveyed to the audience with the help of polyethylene products.

Chernigov Pekedzh - production of polyethylene products with a logo

Dlya togo, chtoby zakazat' partiyu polyethylene packages napechatannoy na nikh kommercheskoy ili sotsial'noy reklamoy nebkhodimo vybratyu kompaniyu obladayushchuyu sufficient opytom i vvremennym oborudovaniyem. Imenno takim proizvoditelem yavlyayemsya my, kompaniya Chernigov Pekedzh, obladateli natsional'nogo certifikata Líder Roku 2017". Nashi proizvodstvennyye moshchnosti pozvolyayut nam operativno vypolnyat' kazy na krupnyye i melkiye partii polyetilenovykh paketov lyuboy slozhnosti. V kachestve syr'ya my ispol'zuyem pervichnyye granules PVD and PND, thanks to our high-quality products.

On our production, we have modern printing machines that allow you to apply flexographic and silk-screen designs v proizvodstvo. V sluchaye, yesli summarnyy ves Vashego zakaza sostavit ne meneye pyatisot kilogram - my podarim vam gratisyu stavku do Vashego sklada.

More 2,609 / 5,000

Polyethylene bags have long become a part of everyday life in our society. Thanks to their characteristics, such balls can be used to package almost anything - from food to garbage. This leads to the fact that billions of polyethylene products are produced annually in the world and a polyethylene bag can be found in almost every home. , but also as part of its image and advertising company. Modern technologies make it possible to apply fairly complex drawings on polyethylene, thanks to which entrepreneurs have the opportunity to place their company logos and other advertising information on the packages. This method is quite economical - the cost of one package is small, and the information posted on it can be seen by several hundred people from the potential target audience. At the same time, the clients themselves who move with balloons through the streets and ride in public transport voluntarily become free distributors of advertising.

Another promising direction here can be social advertising placed on polyethylene carriers. The difference between social advertising and ordinary advertising is that it is not aimed at promoting certain brands, goods or services, but at highlighting certain problems at the international, national or local level. This information can also be effectively conveyed to the target audience with the help of polyethylene products. or social advertising, it is necessary to choose a company with sufficient experience and modern equipment. We, the company Chernihiv Package, are the holders of the national certificate Leader of the Year 2017. Our production facilities allow us to quickly fulfill orders for large and small batches of polyethylene bags of any complexity. As raw materials, we use primary PVD granules and HDPE, thanks to which our products are highly durable.

Our production is equipped with modern printing machines that allow you to apply flexo and silk-screen drawings. An experienced designer will help you create a layout, after which the order will be sent to production five hundred kilograms - we will give you free delivery to your warehouse.

Packages in bulk from the manufacturer Chernigov Package

Branded plastic packaging is the manufacturer's business card

From the practical side of the issue, the importance of plastic packaging can hardly be overestimated. Bags and bags are used everywhere both for household purposes and as presentation gift options for packaging, therefore, they have a fairly wide target audience.

Stylish, competent presentation of information about the company, printed on the package, attracts the attention of the masses and arouses interest in the products of a particular manufacturer, which is a rather convenient and effective advertising move.

For wide distribution and continuous operation, say, for supplies to a store or supermarket, you can order and buy plastic advertising bags with a logo and bags of the most durable design (high pressure polyethylene) in bulk, with concise information about manufacturer, which will be advantageous in terms of unit price. If there is a small budgetary framework for promotional presentation actions, it makes sense to order more colorful bags in a small edition, or from other materials: paper, polypropylene, plastic bags.

Where to order and buy a branded bag and bag in Ukraine

The company "COMPANY" Chernigov Pekedzh "LLC (Ukraine) has been producing polyethylene packages to order, occupying a strong position in the Ukrainian market of flexible packaging.

During this time, we have won the authority and trust of more than 10,000 companies that have contacted us with individual orders for the production of plastic bags and bags and were satisfied with the quality, timing and price.

Our own modern equipment that allows for the complete production of polyethylene packaging with the application of branded attributes and logos using the methods silk-screening and flexo printing , as well as a certified raw material base, ensure the highest level of manufactured products in an optimal price-quality ratio.

The production base of our company is located in Chernigov. Nevertheless, the sale and delivery to the client of branded bags with application (polyethylene, T-shirts, bananas, thousanders, high pressure bags - pvd , as well as PND), wholesale and small circulation is carried out to all points of Ukraine - you can order and buy from any city, online (Kiev, Odessa, Kharkov, Dnepropetrovsk, Vinnitsa, Krivoy Rog, Cherkassy, ​​Zaporozhye). Delivery within the territory of Chernihiv is free.

For a preliminary acquaintance with the quality of our products, you can request samples and layouts of your packages with announcements from the regional manager, and information on the approximate price of packages in bulk can be obtained directly in the corresponding section of the site.

If you want to place an order, be sure to contact the manager to clarify the details, as well as a more accurate calculation, since each individual order has its own characteristics. The price of the goods may differ from the price list depending on the volume, the number of colors, as well as the need to complete or revise the electronic original layout. Telephone numbers for communication with the company's specialists are posted in the section " Contacts “.

Types of products and stages production

Our production base includes a full range of equipment for the production of branded packages on a turnkey basis, from the development of an electronic layout, selection of the shape and size of the package to the issuance of finished packaged packaging to the warehouse.

At the first stage, the extrusion (drawing) of a polymer sleeve - a film blank, from granules, with the addition of superconcentrate is performed. The sleeve is wound on a roller and treated with a corona charge. shape and size.

We offer bags of "T-shirt" type of increased strength for markets, household chemical goods stores, cafes, presentation versions of bags like "banana" (with a cut handle), as well as bags with a looped handle, on koto the image is always straightened and looks very prestigious. In addition, we carry out the production of packaging bags with and without printing, as well as bags for fillers and seedlings.

Advertising on packaging: methods of applying images and circulations

Our company applies images using silk-screen printing and flexo printing.

Silk-stencil is used for the production of bags with a circulation of 200 pieces and has two subtypes - manual application and automatic. This printing involves forcing ink through a monofilament mesh. Unlike flexo printing, the image looks more dense and voluminous.

Hand-made silk-screen is used for multicolor printing on a finished product. It differs from automatic in more accurate color registration. In addition, the banana bag results in a reinforced handle and an expressive bottom fold, which increases its strength. However, T-shirts cannot be printed in this way.

More opportunities are provided by automatic roll-to-roll printing followed by cutting the shape of a disposable bag.

Flexography is also carried out on two types of equipment: planetary and stack machines. A feature of flexo printing is the need for preliminary production of a cliche - a photopolymer plate, the payment for which is a one-time fee, and it can be used for several years.

If you need a minimum run load of 50 kg, stacking equipment is used. Its advantage is its relatively low cost. Better color registration, as well as uniform printing of "dies" is carried out by a planetary (drum) machine.

Thus, by contacting LLC "COMPANY" Chernigov Pakedzh ", you can order any necessary circulation of packages from the manufacturer in bulk in Ukraine with individual sizes, shapes, colors and advertising on bags at a bargain price, having received preliminary recommendations from your manager.